Start drinking plain elderflower tea by infusing dried elderflowers at least 2-3 months before you normally start getting symptoms.
Then when the hay fever season arrives, start drinking the tea.
You can just drink plain elderflower and do not need eyebright or nettles. For nettles make sure to pop off and use the very top of the plant only for tea.
Can't be bothered? Try this Twinings range. It's a lovely drink. Not sure about benefits however.
Pick elderflowers & allow to dry (like roses).Repeat for eyebright and nettles as required.
Combine 100g dried elderflowers, (150g dried eyebright and 50g dried nettles). Use 1-2 per teaspoons per cup of boiling water. Cover and leave to infuse for 10 minutes before straining, then drink. Take a cap as often as desired.
In Southland "eyebright" is found sparingly at Waituna Lagoon, as documented on this retired botanist's absolutely fabulous blog
The elderflower will also help with keeping a regular toilet cycle. Just make sure you don't ingest too much elderflower cordial or tea, as you may otherwise experience tummy upset and possibly a spot of diarrhea.
Reference: James Wong (BBC), Evelyn (Arrowtown)