Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ravioli biscuits for cookie monsters like me!

Adapted from Martha Stewart's recipe.

Juice of 4 oranges or use 400ml of cranberry juice for poaching
Cinnamon stick 1
Dried apricots 15
Sugar 2 Tbsp
Brandy 2 Tbsp

Put all ingredients in a sauce pan.Bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Then pour into the poached fruit 2 tbsp of brandy. Burn the brandy off by lighting the poached fruit with a match. Take out the cinnamon stick and blend into a pulp.

Butter 1 c (at room temperature)
Sugar 1 c
Eggs 2 (large ones)
Vanilla 1/2 tsp
Flour 2 c
Baking powder 2 c
Salt 1/2 tsp

Add butter and sugar into a food processor, add a cup of sugar and eggs one at a time. Pour in vanilla essence. Then sift flour, baking powder and salt together in a bowl and add one cup at the time to the dough while mixing.

From hereon in refer to photo.
Divide the dough in quarters and form rectangles, gladwrap each one and refrigerate for an hour.
Ensure to momentarily chill the pastry again in the fridge between handling to avoid it running away or cracking.The pastry is easier to handle when chilled.

After an hour heat the fan oven to 200 degrees. Add 20 degrees if you are baking the ravioli in a normal oven.

Take one quarter and roll out the dough on gladwrap with another sheet on the dough in between the roller and the dough. Repeat the process with another quarter until you have two sheet rolled out.(Perhaps keep the other sheet in the fridge while doing this.)

Take a small zip lock bag and fill it with puree. Cut one corner off and use it as a piping bag.
Now squirt five little amounts of apricot puree across and down three rows.
Peel back the gladwrap and fold the second sheet of dough over the bottom sheet.

Take a knife and cut between the little mounts like you would making ravioli. If you have a ravioli cutter, even better.

The oven should be at the right temperature now.Fill an oven tray full of ravioli and bake for 10 minutes. Watch the biscuits carefully so that they don't burn!

Dipping sauce
Greek yoghurt (Easiyo is great)

Mix yoghurt and honey until combined and pour into a dipping bowl.

Serve with yoghurt as deseert morning or afternoon treat.

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