Tuesday, November 8, 2011

'Give yourself a break' prefab cheesecake - Costs a fraction of a real one to make...

Give yourself a break today and grant yourself the best of both worlds - prefab meets Mollie Katzen, vegetarian!

During a walking group meeting a friend confided she uses Edmonds Scone Mix.
As religious I am of what and what not to eat, I got home made scones the traditional way and found that they sucked, so the other day I bought Edmonds Smooth Continental Cheesecake and gave that a try - Fake, maybe. But no flake!

Straight out of the pack expect nothing, so add some flavour like vanilla essence, passionfruit sauce or ginger to give the mix aroma.Or, just glaze it!
Other than that it's all on the pack!

Serve with tinned fruit, peaches, mango. Serve with dessert sauces and cream, flowing or whipped.

If you want to glaze the cheese cake to ramp it up a bit and return to the converted new eco-worldliness of reusing food, glaze it with Moosewood's ginger brandy glaze, or Britta Lieven's Zabaglione glaze as given below:

Make sure OJ and cornstarch are mixed cold or it will create clumps.)

Combine 2 T cornstarch and 3/4 c orange juice, and cook over medium heat, whisking constantly, for about 5 minutes, until smooth. Remove from heat, and whisk in 2 T honey, T brandy, and 1/2 t zest.
Serve with a brandy...

Combine 2 T cornstarch and 3/4 c old gris, sauvignon or other, and cook over medium heat, whisking constantly, for about 5 minutes, until smooth. Remove from heat, and whisk in 2 T honey, and lemon 1/2 t zest.
Serve with a glass of dessert wine or Sauterne or lemon icecream/sorbet...

Spread glaze over cheesecake and chill for several hours before serving.The longer you let it chill (for days even) the better it becomes.

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